As children, we always looked forward to visiting our grandparents. To us, it meant lots of fun and most importantly, we might have a chance to see our grand father's treasures then, which were some editions of the World Guinness Book of Record and other fact books.
When the opportunity came to visit, we'd plead and plead for him to let us get a view, but he would always decline saying; those are my treasures, I can't give to you guys.
There were so many attempts but all failed.
There were so many attempts but all failed.
There were times we tried to sneak into his room, but our cousins who have lived with him for long always claimed he had an hidden eye in his room. And he always gets to find out or sense when someone enters his room when he's away. That fear was there. At other times, the room was locked.
At times, we were tempted to say, well, at least when he dies, we would get to see those treasure of his.
But now, years have passed. Technology has
Our curiosity to see the shortest man alive, the tallest man alive, the wonders of the world and other exciting things have been fed.
Congratulations. We all now have access to the Internet.
I don't know how much it cost to buy a guinness book of record, but it almost cost me nothing to get the info on the Internet.
The truth remains, Nothing last forever.
You shouldn't hoard knowledge or anything at all because times would change and that which you think is rare would become a ubiquitous substance.
Things which kings once bragged with, the poor have struggled to acquire.
It's just a matter of time and certain things would be a thing of the past that no one would fancy anymore.
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