What do you have with him? Why is he calling you? Who is he? She's couldn't answer the questions anymore. She decides to stay away from her male friends. It was the only way to have peace. He made her believe she was for him only. He dreamt a lot. In those dreams he shared with her, it was mostly about their wedding. He claims God speaks to him through his dreams and he believed they were meant to be. She decides to tag along. "If it's meant to be, then we have to make it work. We will learn to manage ourselves." He was broke. A student with little to no support from home. She didn't mind. She was willing to share. She shared with him from her little allowance. Not long, the "thank you" became "I hate you" in actions not called for. Occasionally he would remind her of his Dad's lectures; "Do not take money from a woman, she will disrespect you in return." Nevertheless, she bore it all. They lived in different states. The...