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Showing posts from August, 2016


When the evening and morning, were the sixth day, To them He gave His blessing. Let them multiply all the way. They were male and female, made to click and relate. They were given the ticket to mate, and a power to procreate Down the lineage of imperfection, occurred a great mutation, skinning the land of its reputation, destroying the power of procreation Once destroyed with fire, she still wore her precedent attire. Worked through a chain of sire. To prevail and establish her desire. This man-made desideration, is a subject underconsideration. But God had longed made the decision, One man, one woman for aeons.


The cry goes out! Hear me! hear my words! But men still search hard, with metal shields and swords, in the jungle of asperity, the secret of longetivity. Their words of acrimony, has bought bitterness to amity. Many can't live in harmony, they fail to work in unity. There exist no real camaraderie. Their emptiness leaves them lingering One more precious than rubies, in her hand hold sway, on the left, honour and riches, in her right hand length of days, for the man who remembered the laws, and kept the commandments he saw. The man who has learnt not to be wise, in his own eyes, to honor God with his substance, to do good at when due, to love the brother in the hood, without fear would snooze. For he has kept wisdom, it is life to his soul. He has found freedom, he walks around...


If I say God doesn't exist, what do I say about gravity? If I say God is a chancer, what do I say about Satan's villainy? If I say God is mute, have I thought of my ears being waxy? If I say God hides behind the clouds, have I thought of man-made works causing obscurity? If I say God inflicts sufferings, have I thought of His Son's poignancy? If I say God has no power, have I thought of my breathing faculty? If I say He's just ordinary, let me try to breathe life into a dummy. If I say He doesn't see me, let me plant a seed in secret and wait for corollary If I say He doesn't hear me, let me wait for Him to answer my query. If I say He can't fight for me, let me throw to Him my adversity. If I say Be doesn't love me, let me think of how His son came as an helpless baby If I say He's never coming back, let me think of why He first left His glory. Let me think of the cost. Is it all in vain? No one can estim...